10 Oct

Auto Readings in ELD (Electronic Logging Device)



All ELD’s compliant with FMCSA record some information automatically. These entries in driver’s record of duty status cannot be tampered with or edited. Some of the information automatically generated are:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Engine hours (Engine start up and Shut down)
  • Driver’s information- Identification, authentication of user
  • Identification of Motor carrier
  • Identification of Vehicle (provided details are added by the Motor Carrier in their records)
  • Vehicle miles


As per FMCSA, ELD’s must also automatically switch to “Driving” state once the commercial motor vehicle moves with a speed greater than five miles per hour. The vehicle will be considered to be stopped once it maintains a speed of zero miles per hour for at least 3 seconds continuously.

Automatic generation of this information saves time for drivers as they do not need to enter it manually. It is crucial for Motor Carriers and Drivers to maintain the integrity of the driver’s record of duty status (RODS)

Following is the link by FMCSA- regulations which further explains this subject




Disclaimer- The rules and regulations are subject to change any time. Readers must verify with the authority, FMCSA/MTO and must not rely on the contents of this blog.

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